Dry Wall

DryWall Installations and Repairs in Spokane, Wa.

Brandon’s Handyman is a Spokane based Residential and Commercial Maintenance, Repair, and Improvement company.

We also offer expert quality drywall installations and repairs.

The Handyman team takes pride in their work and provide quality results that stand the test of time for Brandon’s customers. We offer services in Spokane and the surrounding areas so we can provide you with top-notch service that’s prompt, professional, and reasonably priced. Contact us today for all your Handyman needs!

Drywall installation and repair is one of the most common tasks Brandon’s Handyman is called for. We have a lot of experience with this type of work and take pride in our ability to get the job done well, quickly, and affordably.

Drywall is made up of several panels of thin cardboard-like material that are covered in a layer of plaster. It is used to cover the framing of walls and ceilings, and when it is finished, it can be painted or papered to match the decor of a room.

There are several reasons why you might need to have drywall installed or repaired. Maybe you’re remodeling your home and need to update the walls or ceilings. Maybe you’ve had a water leak that has damaged your drywall. Or maybe you’re just looking for a way to improve the insulation and soundproofing of your home.

No matter what your reason, Brandon’s Handyman can help. We have years of experience in both installing and repairing drywall, so we know how to get the job done right, quickly, and affordably. We also use only high-quality materials, so you can be sure that your walls will look great and last for years to come.

If you’re interested in having drywall installed or repaired in your home, call us today for a free estimate. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started on your project.

How It Works?

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Fill out our simple form or give us call to get booked!
Step 1

Get a friendly estimate

We will get you the best estimate we can and in the most timely manner possible.
Step 2

Pick service time

Schedule the best time for us to come out!
Step 3
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Your pro arrives!

We arrive and do our job!
Step 4
brandon - owner of spokane handyman. services

(509) 862-7934

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